
Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Quest for a Winner

The Cavs have reportedly been making enquiries with Kelvin Sampson, the current assistant coach of the Bucks. Kiwi Sports Blog warns that this is the wrong move.  Google auto-complete reveals the following:
If Cleveland wants a scandalous, violating Oklahoman that has a reputation for being fired and cheating, Sampson is their guy.  Good luck selling him to Lebron.

They are also reportedly chasing Phil Jackson, whose Google auto-complete is scandal-free, but gives no indication of whether he is a winner or not.  Kiwi Sports Blog suspects he may have obtained the job by virtue of the fifth entry - "phil jackson girlfriend".  Some research reveals that Mr Jackson is seeing the daughter of the owner of the team.  You don't need to be Stuart Scott to see there's something crooked about that.  Cross another one off the list, Cavs.

Mike Brown probably doesn't look too bad for the Cavs anymore.  But if they are really after a winner, Kiwi Sports Blog has the answer.  Someone whose name is so synonymous with winning that it is the second result on their auto-complete:

It was highly disappointing to find out this referred to a documentary in which the only winning that Reggie did was in the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals.  In other words, no better than Mike Brown.  Plus, TNT probably wouldn't let him out of his contract.  How could you lose an announcer that gives rise to haikus like this:

Reggie: “Blah blah blah”
I can’t find the mute button.
Marv, please end my pain.
(from - if you are still thirsty for more NBA haikus, check this site out)

So the search continues for the Cavs...


  1. Good pictures, though more pictures would be ideal. Particularly funny ones.

    Good job Malaysian Warrior.

  2. Google 'Andrew Bynum' and you'll find a Wiki page that lists his middle name as Pussylips. I'm not kidding.
